STRONGERTUBE G2 has achieved the DLG certificate

The STRONGERTUBE G2 luminaire has been certified under the DLG standard for use in ammonia environments and is suitable for high pressure water cleaning without water entering the interior of the luminaire. Thus, we can further guarantee its high resistance and robustness in harsh environments.
STRONGERTUBE G2 has successfully passed the tests carried out by DLG, according to independent and recognized evaluation criteria. The success of the tests has concluded with the publication of a report and the granting of an official certification.
Based on this result, DLG certifies that STRONGERTUBE G2 is resistant to environmental conditions typical of areas with ammonia, e.g., in animal farms, and that there will be no accelerated reduction of the product’s lifetime and no damage to the internal electronic components. This ensures that the luminaire is gas tight.
In addition, tests were carried out for resistance to high pressure and high temperature cleaners, such as those used in the cleaning of livestock areas, but also in the food industry.
STRONGERTUBE G2 is the most robust lighting solution for areas with tough environments and withstands pressure cleaning, according to DLG certification. It is a luminaire manufactured in Spain and also certified according to CE, HACCP, ENEC and CB TEST standards, for the most demanding environments.
About DLG
DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts Gesellschaft – German Agricultural Society) is an organization specialized in the fields of agriculture, agribusiness and the food sector. Its mission is to promote progress through the transfer of knowledge, quality standards and technology.
The technology, resources, methods and quality seals of the DLG test center occupy a leading position in the certification of equipment and resources for the agricultural industry. Test methods and profiles are developed by an independent committee to simulate field applications of the products. In addition, all tests are carried out using state of the art methods and applying international standards.